Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Instagram A Social Media - 894 Words

Instagram is one of the largest and fastest growing social media sites in the world. According to techcrunch.com, â€Å"Instagram is growing the fastest of all social media sites worldwide, increasing its active user base by 23% in the last six months.† As you can see Instagram popularity is only rising. According to a study in Forbes, â€Å"The survey was given to 7,200 teenagers across 41 states that live in homes with an average income of $59,000. The participants were 47% female and 53% male. Instagram was voted as the favorite social media network.† With this massive growth we must ask ourselves if Instagram is a positive addition to our culture. The answer is no, Instagram lowers happiness, Creates a culture of sexualization of young women, and attacks the individual ego. Instagram is not a positive addition to the globalizing world. The first issue that Instagram causes is lowering happiness. According to an article in Slate, â€Å"The three things that correlate most strongly with a self-loathing screen hangover are basically the three things that Instagram is currently for: loitering around others’ photos, perfunctory like-ing, and ‘broadcasting’ to a relatively amorphous group.† What we can see is that the main functions of Instagram are the main functions of lowering happiness. â€Å"A photo can very powerfully provoke immediate social comparison, and that can trigger feelings of inferiority. † says Hanna Krasnova of Humboldt University Berlin. What we are seeing is that users ofShow MoreRelatedInstagram : The Pros And Cons Of Social Media1214 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media such as Instagram has made life more simple and keeps people in touch even though they are thousands of miles away from each other. Even though social media has pros, it also has cons. It can cause me ntal health problems such as, depression and anxiety. With that being said, Instagram depicts a life that is impossible to keep up with. It shows photoshopped pictures of paid models with slim bodies, weight loss pills and supplements that is supposedly healthy for you, pictures of peopleRead MoreInstagram : The Positive And Negative Impact Of Social Media967 Words   |  4 PagesIn 2012, I was in the seventh grade. Around that time, this social media app called Instagram became popular. I was not allowed to have social media at the time but I really wanted an Instagram. People around my school asked me what my username was, but I could not give it to them because I did not have an account at the time. Later that year, everyone in my school had one, and if you did not have one, then you were considered â€Å"lame†. My best friend was starting to stir off and I became upset. ForRead MoreInstagram Is A Social Media Website And App Like Many Others1327 Words   |  6 Pages Instagram is a social media website and app like many others that can connect and create interactions among different people from around the world. It is distinguishable among other social media apps due to its color choices and camera logo. This logo can draw new users no matter the age. For celebrities, it has become a way to keep in touch with fans and allow them to publicly share moments through a photograph or video. All Instagram users have a variety of options in which they canRead MoreInstagram : A Social Media Platforms For The Key 18-49 Demographic860 Words   |  4 PagesInstagram Review Instagram ranks as one of the most popular social media platforms for the key 18–49 demographic that generally ranks as the most lucrative segment of the population for restaurants to target with advertising and promotions. 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As a result of society’s heavy reliance on technology, social media has become popular amongst people who are â€Å"technologically advanced.† Though there is a wide variety of social sites that can be accessed through modern day technology, a few have become very popular. Social sites which have become widely popular among teens include Instagram, Tumblr, and Snapchat. These social networking sites provide instant social connection and emotional support while letting teens post and send picturesRead MoreThe Relationship Between Narcissism And The Frequency Of Active Usage Of Instagram1546 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of social scientific researches in the communication mainstream are developing at a faster rate, particularly researches with a purpose of determining the relationship between the social networking s ites (the use of Instagram) and narcissism. It is therefore quite in order to explicitly establish an appropriate technique of variable determination and hypothesis testing to effectively address the concern of the relationship between narcissism and the frequency of active usage of Instagram (AmesRead MoreThe Social Media Platform College Students1385 Words   |  6 Pagesepicenter. They are the called the â€Å"social mavens†(2.A) and â€Å"the founders of the social media movement† (2.A) who are constantly connected via online. Growing up as part of the new generation and seeing frequent changes in technology over the years, it has come to play a role in our daily lives. Being able to relate to such a topic, we wanted to look further into Millennials’ use of technology; specially relating to college-aged students and what social media platform(s) the group is most activeRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Society Essay1051 Words   |  5 Pagesthem is t he social media. Essentially the 21st century revolves around these social media as individuals, corporations, and government agencies use these avenues to communicate and pass messages to their audience. I am an ardent user of social media too. Through the years that I have used social media, the sites have had a myriad effect on me. As expected these effects cut across both sides; some are positive effects while others are negative effects. However, the power of social media cannot be underestimatedRead MoreUsage Of Social Media And Benefits992 Words   |  4 PagesUsage of social media and benefits In the annual survey (Jacques Bughin), 40percent of companies are using blogs and and social networking for the promotion of their brands. Companies adopted the online media found that percentage of externally networked companies is performing higher than internal network ones. (appendix 4). It tells that, use of social technologies like facebook, twitter and instagram outreach the boundaries of the customers , it is not static (Mckinsey Survey). The social networking

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Learning Experience of Huck Funn in The Adventures of...

Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a story of a boy, Huck Finn, who runs away from home and travels down the Mississippi River with a â€Å"runaway nigger† named Jim. Huck’s father, Pap, is a drunken low life who doesn’t seem to care for his son. He comes from a poor, troubled family and isn’t very educated which is something he seems to embrace. â€Å"Huck Finn runs away not only from an abusive father but also from his good-intentioned guardian, Miss Watson, who tries to civilize Huck, educate him, and make him a Christian† (Sienkewicz). Whether he knows it or not his journey down the river isn’t just an escape, it is a learning experience. Huck learns a few life lessons from dealing with his conscience, to friendship and†¦show more content†¦His whole life has been taught that â€Å"niggers† are property and are not meant to be free but In his heart he knew helping Jim was the right thing to d o, no matter what anybody else says. â€Å"both Huck and Jim are depicted as characters who are capable of learning from their own mistakes, empathizing with others, and acting on the behalf of others† (Evans). As the journey down the river continues they run into two con men. These men pretend to be the Wilks brothers in order to rob this family of all of their possessions. Huck couldn’t see them do this poor family wrong. He spends some time really contemplating telling one of the girls, Mary Jane, the truth about these liars (Twain 175). He knows inside that it is the right thing to do but he doesn’t want to put himself at risk. He plans out every little detail of how he is going to tell her and how he is going to expose these men (Twain 175-178). His actions result from his sympathy for others and his conscience and show major growth as the story continues. True friendship is something you didn’t see very often back then between a little white boy and a grown black man. True friends care and only wish the best for each other. One foggy night Huck and Jim got separated. Huck found the raft again with Jim on it sleeping. He wakes him up and Jim was so happy to see him because he was so worried and thought he was dead (Twain 83). Huck tries to play a trick on Jim and tell him he was only

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Exercise on Group Behavior Free Essays

Exercise on group behavior 1. Based on knowledge from your company group relate to and explain the 5-stage group development model and the punctuated equilibrium model (both very important for exam. Group analysis based on 5-stage model: * Forming. We will write a custom essay sample on Exercise on Group Behavior or any similar topic only for you Order Now Firs task was to find out people with the same level of motivation, expectations and similar point of view through the vision of business idea. After finally forming the company group another task was to find out the purpose of the project and understood why this experience could be useful for us (It took almost all day). Furthermore we had to take decisions about how group is going to look like and what tasks we have to do personally: we find out which persons are going to be leaders who are generating the idea and who are going to work with developing and presenting it. * Storming. Secondly we as a very fresh and inexperienced group had to come up with real and innovative business plan. It was the hardest part of all because we didn’t knew each other very good. We had many conflicts about different ideas while finally after many disagreements we find out the best decision of our idea. * Norming. During the working time our relationships grown up significantly. It became much easier to work with each other. We began to understand each other easily and that let us to improve our productivity skills in team work.. * Performing. With better relationships to each other our performing improved as well. Everybody knew what they had to do and was not afraid to consulate to other group members. We began to work very fast and effective. * Adjourning. Finally we easily wrote one page report and we are waiting for new activities. Group analysis based on punctuated equilibrium model: Our group development can be good example of punctuated equilibrium model. First day of our work was very efficient. We formed our group, created first business idea and tried to develop and analyzed it. However after a while working with lost things idea we come up with the decision that we are not able to develop and use it. Then it was period of trying to find new ideas. We had about 10 different solutions however we didn’t stick to none of them until the last day when we had to send one page report. Last minutes work helped us to create and generate good idea and present it to others. Based on knowledge on group development why do you think group work often starts with teambuilding activities like wild-life experiences, bowling, outdoor exercises etc.? In group development is very important feeling and atmosphere through the members. Good relationships and knowing each other are the main keys to productive and efficient work. Teambuilding activities give ability to underst and the way how other people are thinking, how active they are. Furthermore, people always feel much comfortable and relaxed in the known environment. As for my experience in teambuilding trip i can strongly agree that it was the best way to quickly get in the new team. 3. Explain how role conflicts might arise from role perceptions differing from role expectations (try to give a real life example that you have experienced). Personal example: In high school our student council (I was fresh member there) were organizing big event. Leading group announced that everybody can join them and take an active part in developing it. I with other â€Å"freshers† had many interesting thoughts and expectations however how come up in the end we were ably only to participate in cleaning after the party. As a result we felt exploited and misunderstood what caused big conflict between leading and new members. 4. Explain how conformity and status of group members effects team work . Conformity and status are very important part in group development. People are used to behave by first impression. Members who have more experience, are more talented or more self-confident (have higher status than other) are used to be treated as a leaders or be more respected from the first minute. It can have both positive and negative effects through the group. It is important that despite status everybody would have equal right to speak and realize themselves. Furthermore, People often conform from a desire for security within a group—typically a group of a similar age, culture, religion, or educational status. It can prevent people from new ideas and innovation. 5. Explain why group cohesiveness can be both positive and negative for team performance Positive performance| Negative performance| * Individuals are proud to be in the group and see group membership important. As a result they look seriously to the tasks, output and achievements of the group. * Members of cohesive groups deal with conflict openly and constructively. They develop and share values and team loyality. Cohesive groups increase job satisfaction and reduce stress. * When working toward a common goal group members can fill in for each others’ lack of knowledge or shortage of skill. | * Teams members have tendency to adopt similar behaviors that became group norm what can couse lowered productivity or lack of creativity and innovation * Group-think. It happ ens when individual group members lose the ability to think for themselves and rely on the group to make their decisions. * cohesive groups find it difficult to change their values, actions or behaviors, particularly when the change is driven by external forces. Opinions held by the majority or by key group members are regarded as unanimous and alternative views are discouraged| 6. Answer the questions in the â€Å"Ethical Dilemma† page 255 1) If group members end up ‘working around’ shirkers, do you think this information should be communicated to the instructor so that individual’s contribution to the project is judged more fairly? If so, does the group have an ethical responsibility to communicate this to the shirking group member? If not, isn’t the shirking group member unfairly reaping the rewards of a â€Å"free ride’’? Personally I believe that decision have to be made based on situation. I think that first of all group has to try to identify the problem why the member is not working. Maybe he/she has personal problems and can’t concentrate or he/she is not experienced enough that could face the task by himself. Furthermore, is very important to try to speak with the member and say your dissatisfaction directly instead of just throwing him out. If it doesn’t work then group must to communicate with instructor. 2) Do you think confronting the shrinking group member is justified? Does this depend on the skills of shirker (weather he is capable of doing good-quality work)? I believe that everything depends on situation and the task what members have to do. If person is able to do that but just is trying to avoid the work than it is justified. 3) Social loafing has been found to be higher in Western, more individual nations, that other countries. Do you think this means we should tolerate shirking in these countries to a greater degree than if it occurred with someone from more collectivistic nation? I think that social and cultural background has great influence to human character. This is the reason that group members have to be tolerant with each other and try to find the best working method. . Make case incident 2 page 256 1) What are some factors that led to groupthink in the cases described here? What can teams do to attempt to prevent groupthink from occurring? People have tendency not to make quick and efficient decisions. They are trying to avoid conflicts in the team and are not making changes related with a work. They tend to strict to more t raditional and safe decisions. I think that leader have to promote people to represent different ideas and not to be afraid of using different ways. 2) How might differences in status among group members contribute to groupthink? For example, how might lover-status members react to group’s decisions? Are lower-status members more or less likely to be dissenters? Why might higher-status group members be more effective dissenters? Status has very big impact through group members. Individuals with lower-status are tend to keep quietly and not make decisions. They pretend that situation is appropriate for them and company. Higher-status group members are mostly more active and innovative. 3) Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says that he encourages dissent. Can such norms guard against the occurrence of groupthink? As a manager, how would you try to cultivate norms that prevent groupthink? I personally believe that encouraging dissent is one of the best ways against the occurrence of groupthink. It stimulates people to think and come up with new ideas or improve the old ones. I would choose the same way. 4) How might group characteristics such as size and cohesiveness affect groupthink? If group is very big and cohesive then it has big risk to be unsuccessful. People are not used to say their opinion or take action. I believe that smaller groups are working more efficient because they get more responsibilities. How to cite Exercise on Group Behavior, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Project Management for Operators of Large Assets

Question: Discuss about the Project Management for Operators of Large Assets. Answer: Reflection In the second week, the topic was related to the project management for operators of large assets. It helped me to develop an in-depth knowledge about the topic. Further, it helped me to develop a skill how to assess and select the appropriate project. Through this course, I learnt that cost and benefit analysis is important aspect for selecting the project. Because this analysis helped the project manager to take feasible investment decisions and also provide basis to evaluate the project. Moreover, I have gained the understanding about different types of risks that incurred within the project such as implementation risks, operational risks, financial risks and revenue risks. Before this course, I had no experience about how to manage the risk but, after this course, I have learnt the logical process to manage the risk of the project. In this week, Dr. Deming quotes that Quality management is everyones responsibility (Wong). Through this, I have gained experience and information wha t management could do to address the quality. In addition, Dr. Juran states that without a standard there is no logical basis for making the decision and taking the action (Wong). Hence, I have learnt that quality improvement, quality planning, and quality control are effective for fitness of customers. During this course, from the Crosby quote, I have gained understanding that motivation and role of senior management are beneficial to meet the requirements of the project. From this course, I have gained awareness about different cost of quality such as prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs and external failure costs. Further, I have enhanced my skills in the quality management and process improvement plan that helped to meet the projects objectives. From the Taguchi Approach, I have learnt that quality can be achieved in the project by minimizing the variation from the objective of the project. From this week portfolio, I have gained my in-depth understanding about the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. This award could be achieved by developing the leadership skills, strategic planning, customer and market information analysis, human resource development, process management and obtain the best quality business result. Along with this, I have gained detailed understanding about the ISO 9000s that helped project manager to develop and implement the quality standard in the project. Moreover, I have learned that project may has an adverse impact on the environment like air, water, human aspects, economic and natural resources hence, environment management is effective to successful implement t he project within the environment. During this course, I have studied the Project Management in Construction book written by Sidney Levy, which helped me to enhance my knowledge about the different skills such as team management, quality control and quality assurance, safety and another topic that necessary to project manager in construction project (Levy, 2011). It also supports me to complete the construction project on time and within the budget. After completing this course, this skill facilitates me to become a good project manager. Weekly Portfolio Learning Table Learning outcomes of the course Description of topics including reading samples Learning from your experience Supporting documentation including your prior learning Developing understanding of project justification in sound project decision making. Dr. Bernard Wongs Project Management for Operators of Large Assets Before this course, I have no idea about this but, after completion this course, I have gained my depth knowledge about the project justification of selecting the appropriate project and for taking the feasible project decision. Different skills that necessary for project manager in construction projects Sidney Levys Project Management in Construction I have developed understanding about different skills that required for project manager to complete the construction project on the time and within the budget. Sidney Levys chapter 11 https://books.google.co.in/books?id=KFx04-LIwY4Cprintsec=frontcoverdq=Sidney+Levy+-+2011+Project+Management+in+Construction,+Sixth+Editionhl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwizhIKp4LjOAhUIPo8KHXDs BzwQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepageq=Sidney%20Levy%20-%202011%20Project%20Management%20in%20Construction%2C%20Sixth%20Editionf=false References Levy S. M. (2011) Project Management in Construction, 6th Edition. USA: McGraw-Hill. Wong, B. Project Management for Operators of Large Assets. [Online]. Available at..