Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Instagram A Social Media - 894 Words

Instagram is one of the largest and fastest growing social media sites in the world. According to techcrunch.com, â€Å"Instagram is growing the fastest of all social media sites worldwide, increasing its active user base by 23% in the last six months.† As you can see Instagram popularity is only rising. According to a study in Forbes, â€Å"The survey was given to 7,200 teenagers across 41 states that live in homes with an average income of $59,000. The participants were 47% female and 53% male. Instagram was voted as the favorite social media network.† With this massive growth we must ask ourselves if Instagram is a positive addition to our culture. The answer is no, Instagram lowers happiness, Creates a culture of sexualization of young women, and attacks the individual ego. Instagram is not a positive addition to the globalizing world. The first issue that Instagram causes is lowering happiness. According to an article in Slate, â€Å"The three things that correlate most strongly with a self-loathing screen hangover are basically the three things that Instagram is currently for: loitering around others’ photos, perfunctory like-ing, and ‘broadcasting’ to a relatively amorphous group.† What we can see is that the main functions of Instagram are the main functions of lowering happiness. â€Å"A photo can very powerfully provoke immediate social comparison, and that can trigger feelings of inferiority. † says Hanna Krasnova of Humboldt University Berlin. What we are seeing is that users ofShow MoreRelatedInstagram : The Pros And Cons Of Social Media1214 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media such as Instagram has made life more simple and keeps people in touch even though they are thousands of miles away from each other. Even though social media has pros, it also has cons. It can cause me ntal health problems such as, depression and anxiety. With that being said, Instagram depicts a life that is impossible to keep up with. It shows photoshopped pictures of paid models with slim bodies, weight loss pills and supplements that is supposedly healthy for you, pictures of peopleRead MoreInstagram : The Positive And Negative Impact Of Social Media967 Words   |  4 PagesIn 2012, I was in the seventh grade. Around that time, this social media app called Instagram became popular. I was not allowed to have social media at the time but I really wanted an Instagram. People around my school asked me what my username was, but I could not give it to them because I did not have an account at the time. Later that year, everyone in my school had one, and if you did not have one, then you were considered â€Å"lame†. My best friend was starting to stir off and I became upset. 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Essentially the 21st century revolves around these social media as individuals, corporations, and government agencies use these avenues to communicate and pass messages to their audience. I am an ardent user of social media too. Through the years that I have used social media, the sites have had a myriad effect on me. As expected these effects cut across both sides; some are positive effects while others are negative effects. However, the power of social media cannot be underestimatedRead MoreUsage Of Social Media And Benefits992 Words   |  4 PagesUsage of social media and benefits In the annual survey (Jacques Bughin), 40percent of companies are using blogs and and social networking for the promotion of their brands. Companies adopted the online media found that percentage of externally networked companies is performing higher than internal network ones. (appendix 4). It tells that, use of social technologies like facebook, twitter and instagram outreach the boundaries of the customers , it is not static (Mckinsey Survey). The social networking

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