Thursday, May 21, 2020

Women in Special Forces - 2185 Words

submit paper: Step 2 of 2 * AuthorPeter Rivera * TitleWomen in Special Forces Preview Paper Women in Special Forces (Green Beret) Peter Rivera Management 410 Dr. Beth Hogan Women in Special Forces In this paper I will present my position about women working in Special Forces (green berets). I will mention other countries that have women in combat positions or units. I will explain the job involvement of Special Forces, the training and qualifications required, and the job demands, both physical and mental when in a combat unit. Base on what I had seen and been true in my 22 years in the military I’ll have to disagree with women been in Special Forces or any combat unit for that matter. In today’s 21st century, women have†¦show more content†¦You have to be able to swim 50 meters wearing your battle dress uniform (BDU) and boots. The Army Physical Fitness Test used to be 240, an average of 80 points in each event such as push-ups, sit-ups and the two-mile run, but it is down to 206 with no less than 60 points in any event. Individuals need a Special Forces Medical Fitness Standard, or physical. Secret Clearances are needed but can be waived for certain pe riods of time, and once you have all this then you can start training to become a green beret. Special Forces Assessment (SFAS) is 24 days of intense training in which your intelligence, agility and resourcefulness will be tested. After passing the SFAS you will go into the SF Qualification Course. In this course you will go through five different phases (II-VI). Individual skills, phase II, consists of life fire, small unit tactics, land navigation, and survival skills. This phase is 13 weeks of pure intensity with minimal sleep or time to eat. Phase III is the MOS qualification in which you will receive training on the Special Forces MOS you will have, and it is about another 15 weeks. The phase IV is your collective training in which you will be evaluated on your unconventional warfare operations, air and mobile infiltrations, direct action operations, methods of instruction, common skills, your specialist, and whatever else they can think about at the moment. Phase V is your lan guage phase and is basically picked for youShow MoreRelatedThe Integration Of Women Into The Service1319 Words   |  6 Pagesthe armed forces. Back to the days of the Romans and the Greeks women made an effort to enter the battlefield. In the modern military, women have their place in the service, but some still desire more. More women are attempting to answer the call of duty every day, some are even trying to join special forces teams that are for only the best of the best. 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